Enabling low income individuals and families an opportunity to thrive in an affordable and safe living environment.
Find out if you qualify for low income housing assistance below.
Income limits l Resource Locator l Housing Voucher Program
California Income limits
Most federal and State housing assistance programs set maximum incomes for eligibility to live in assisted housing, and maximum rents and housing costs that may be charged to eligible residents, usually based on their incomes.
HUD Resource Locator
Find affordable housing opportunities, HUD offices, local public housing authorities/agencies (PHA), homeless resources, & Elderly and special needs housing
Housing Voucher Program (Section 8)
The Housing Choice Voucher program provides assistance to very low-income families to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing. Housing can include single-family homes, townhouses and apartments and is not limited to units located in subsidized housing projects. Housing choice vouchers are administered locally by Public Housing Agencies (PHAs).
Our Mission
Parambil Group Inc aims to improve the quality of life for distressed elderly, veterans, disabled, and single mothers by developing, rehabilitating, and managing low-cost affordable housing in safe neighborhoods to include rental units and a pathway to home ownership.